Looking for a therapist on Harley Street?
I have a FdA in Integrative Therapeutic Counselling and Psychotherapy, a BA (Hons) in Integrative Therapeutic Counselling and Psychotherapy and an Advanced Post Graduate Diploma (level 7) in Couples Therapy and Psycho-sexual Studies.
I am a member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).
I practice ethically, morally and with absolute dedication to the well-being of my clients and to the standards set out by the BACP.
I am committed to continuous professional development.
I carry professional indemnity insurance and am DBS checked to work with children and adults.
I have a FdA in Integrative Therapeutic Counselling and Psychotherapy and a BA (Hons) in Integrative Therapeutic Counselling and Psychotherapy.
I am a member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy).
I practice ethically, morally and with absolute dedication to the well-being of my clients and to the standards set out by the BACP.
I am committed to continuous professional development.
I carry professional indemnity insurance and am DBS checked to work with children and adults.
I’m a parent and have also opened my home to teenagers from a local international language school where I have acted as their UK ‘foster parent’ and understand the challenges brought about by bringing up children whilst being a working mother.
Before becoming a therapist I worked for many years in the music and film industry in London and have a strong business background. My interests include walking my dogs, yoga, running, travel, literature and painting
Current Roles
General Practice Lead Partner in a 10, 000 patient in West Yorkshire serving the local population including students of two Higher Education Institutions. (23 years)
Specialist GP (Psychiatrist and NHS Primary Care Specialist) in Drugs and Alcohol Services
I have formal postgraduate training in Forensic Psychiatry and have worked in Primary Care Drugs & Alcohol Services for 15 years.
Secure Environments Medical Practitioner.
I provide Consultancy Services in Primary Care and Drugs and Alcohol Services in secure settings. (4 years)
Clinical Specialities Commissioning Lead across three CCGs for Drugs, Alcohol and Dual Diagnosis/Complex Needs. I work closely with the Local Authority and am presently Clinical lead on a District wide Strategic Review of Drug and Alcohol services. (4 years)
Member of Public Health England Clinical Expert reference Group.
Review of Medicines likely to cause addiction.
Individual Management Report author.
Domestic Homicide Reviews and Serious Case Reviews. My particular interest is in complex cases involving drugs, alcohol and mental health.
I have recently authored a report for a Serious Case Review of Child Sexual Exploitation.
Qualifications and other experience
Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners and Royal College of Psychiatrists.
25 years experience of liaising with Academic departments on the impact of physical and mental health problems on academic performance.
Formal Postgraduate training and experience in Forensic Psychiatry and assessment of Risk in psychologically disturbed offenders in High Secure Hospital Settings.
Prepared and presented Psychiatric reports for serious offences including Class A: Homicide and related grave offences and Class D: Sexual offences, and offences against children. (25 years)
Clinical Services and Professional Profile
As a Clinician uniquely experienced in Psychiatry, Substance Misuse and the physical and mental health of young people I am currently Lead Partner at a thriving University Health Service. I have a key role in managing the complex interplay between Mental Wellbeing, Physical Health and academic potential, working with young people and their families to break cycles of negative coping strategies and behavioural patterns.
I have a track record of innovative and ground breaking service design, particularly for high challenge/high risk individuals. Established the UK’s first Women Only Drug treatment service, and was subsequently invited to present my model of Intelligent Commissioning at the House of Lords All Party Parliamentary Group on Dual Diagnosis & Complex Needs.
I have three children (two daughters and a son) and a full understanding of the rewards and challenges of this ongoing journey.
My interests include travel, literature, writing, Ju Jitsu and when time allows, sailing.