Looking for a therapist on Harley Street?

Retired male, 70’s.
“Laura has been my therapist for several years. She has taken me from not coping with my PTSD and deep depressions to the point where I can express love and live a relatively stable life. I doubt thatI shall ever achieve normality whatever that is, without Laura’s help it's likely that I would not be around today.
Laura is very professional and has high standards to the care of her clients.
I have no hesitation in recommending her services”.

Single Male, 30’s.
“I began seeing Laura at her office on Harley Street due to the breakdown of a romantic relationship and career challenges that I was experiencing. It was an incredibly difficult time for me emotionally and the support I have received has been invaluable and continues to be so. Our sessions have helped me to gain a greater sense of self and have given me the confidence to confront difficult issues, both internal and external, as and when they arise. Our sessions have now moved online due to the pandemic but the quality of them has not been diminished at all. Laura is affable, gregarious and highly professional, I am grateful to have her as a therapist”.

Teenage girl.
“My parents suggested I see a therapist a year ago as I was depressed and controlling my eating though starving myself and making myself sick.
Laura was really kind and funny and helped me see a way through some really dark days. Since finishing working with Laura she still keeps in touch and I know if I struggle again she will help me.
I actually think of her as my other mummy or a really wise big sister.my whole family is so grateful to her and I really actually miss our sessions”.

“I met Laura several years ago and have seen her face to face in her practice in Harley Street London and have also worked with her on line. The great thing about Laura is she is adaptable, not just in moving our work on line, but in meeting my ever-changing needs. It doesn’t matter where I am living or what I am experiencing, whether I see her in rooms in Harley St or on line because I am working overseas, it’s the same support and understanding that meet me each time.
She won’t mind me saying she is also really funny and makes me feel at ease with her quite unique sense of humour.
Laura really has made a huge difference to my life and will continue to do so”.
Professional divorced Male, 40’s.
I started seeing Laura, following a fairly traumatic and sudden operation at the end of November. I made the decision rather than to speak about my experience and the effect it had on me, to start drinking alone most days in the comfort of my room to avoid my thoughts. Must say it’s not something I recommend at all. Talking to my parents was not something I wanted to do, especially with a worried mother who on top of everything, then thought I had a drinking problem. The idea of somebody I could confide in without any information reaching my parents, was perfect to me, and Laura proved to be a very easy person to open up to, despite me being a conserved person. As well as working through how to cope with sleep paralysis and dreams that would wake me up in the middle of the night, scaring me so much I wouldn’t want to go back to sleep, Laura helped me cope with stress, anxiety and help me channel these things into writing, which has proven to be an amazing coping mechanism for me; she even helped me view things from my parents’ perspectives, which has definitely prevented multiple possible arguments and fights in my house.
Teenage Girl

“I’d hit a bit of a rut in my life when I started seeing Laura, I was overweight and struggling with emotional eating, my relationship with my mother was at an all-time low and I was so angry with her I could barely spend time with her it was also affecting other relationships around me, I was down and not taking care of myself.
Laura guided me through looking back at my life and helped me to work out why I was feeling and dealing with my problems in this way, she helped me to view things from a different perspective and to say that some things were not okay.
Laura has helped me find myself again and has built my confidence back up, she has encouraged me to embrace my good points and believe in myself again.
My relationship with my mother has improved, I’ve stopped emotional eating and have lost excess weight and I’ve learnt that sometimes you need to let some things go to give you peace in your heart”.
Housewife, 40’s.
After a traumatic experience which resulted in a hysterectomy, my self esteem and confidence were very low and the tears came all too readily. So I sought help.
From the first few therapy sessions with Laura, I knew she was the right person to help me. Her encouragement, empathy and support were exactly what I needed. Together we worked through some very difficult times in my life leaving no stone unturned.
It has been a very emotional journey but I have never felt alone. Laura has been 'by my side' every step of the way and for that I am very grateful. It was definitely a good decision to make that first contact with her.
Grandmother, retired late 60”s